More Control Over Ecards with Your Latest Employee Recognition Platform Update

22nd August 2024

More Control Over Ecards with Your Latest Employee Recognition Platform Update

Have greater control over your team’s Ecards with our new features that allow you to remove unwanted Ecards and edit the Ecard privacy settings before recognising a colleague.

Your Personalised Employee Recognition Platform  

Sometimes, we prefer to acknowledge someone's hard work in a more personal and private way. Employee recognition platform now allows you the freedom to do this. Our newly improved privacy settings allow all users to hide the message attached to an Ecard or hide the Ecard itself from the Ecard feed.

This feature also encompasses our nominations and milestone Ecards, offering enhanced personalisation options. Now, you can tailor your recognition experience to better reflect your preferences.

Hidden ecards will only be visible to the sender and receiver under the ‘My History’ and People Activity sections. SuperAdmins can still see all Ecards sent, irrespective of their privacy settings.  

Delete Ecards With Ease  

Employee recognition platforms are not immune from life’s little mistakes. But we’re here to support you.  

We are now allowing SuperAdmins to remove Ecards from the Ecard feed. This will make it easier for SuperAdmins to ensure that Ecards sent in error, with the wrong content or visibility settings can be deleted immediately. This removes the need to contact the support team when accidents happen.

How to Delete an Ecard as a SuperAdmin: A Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1:  Log into the Dashboard

Begin by logging into the Dashboard using your SuperAdmin credentials.

Step 2: Locate the Ecard

Navigate to the Ecard feed. You’ll see all the Ecards listed here.

Step 3: Click the 'X' Button

On the top right corner of each Ecard, you’ll find an ‘X’ button. Click on it to initiate the deletion process.

Step 4: Confirm Deletion

After clicking the 'X,' a pop-up will appear asking for your confirmation to delete the Ecard. Confirm that you want to delete it.

Step 5: Ecard Removal

Once confirmed, the Ecard will instantly be removed from view in both the 'All Teams' and 'My History' sections on your employee recognition platform. No page refresh is required.

Step 6: Check 'People Activity' for Deleted Ecards

The Ecard will still be listed under the 'People Activity' section and visible only to SuperAdmins. The original message will be replaced with “Message deleted,” but all other details (Date, Sent By, Sent To, Type, Reason, Value) will remain intact.

Step 7: Deleted Ecard Notifications

If the sender or receiver received notifications related to the deleted Ecard, clicking on those notifications will now show a message: “The Ecard you are looking for has been deleted.”

Our Commitment to You

At Each Person, we are committed to continuously improving our services to better meet your needs. This latest release is just one of the many ways we are working to improve your experience on the Each Person employee recognition platform!

Get in Touch

If you’d like to learn more about our employee recognition mission, get in touch with us today at We’re here to help you every step of the way!

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