25th March 2024
Curious about what deals and discounts you can get your hands on this week? Look no further than our new and improved Weekly Deals and Codes page! This gives you exclusive access to fresh deals every single week.
Each deal or code will now clearly show you how long you have left to claim your bargain, ensuring you get all the benefits.
The total value of your Each Person membership will be clearly visible, including this week’s discounts, at the top of the page.
Whether you are a Standard or a Premium member, you can see our full list of Weekly deals. However, if you are a standard member and you are interested in upgrading to premium to get the very best discounts, you can now do this simply by clicking on one of our premium deals. After upgrading, you will receive limitless access to all the deals and discounts we have to offer!
To gain access to your discounts, simply click on the code you would like to claim. You will then be able to view all the eligible products available for that discount. From here, you can add the product to your cart. If you would like more information about the product, simply click on it to view the details. And finally, sit back and relax because when you add a product eligible for a promo code to your basket, the discount will automatically be applied.
Please note that any product ordered using a promotion code is not eligible for cashback.
Furthermore, we have now improved our product description pages. Here’s how:
When viewing our new discount code carousel, you can click “All weekly codes” to access our ‘Discount Codes’ page. Here you can easily filter the codes available depending on your preferences.
As well as promotion codes on our website, you can navigate to our deal offerings. After clicking on your chosen deal, you will be taken to the participating retailer’s website without needing a specific discount code in most instances. If this does not occur, a pop-up containing the code you can copy will appear. Here, you have the option to ‘redeem code,’ which will take you to the retailer’s website, or ‘email code,’ which will allow you to enter your email and receive your code there.
Each Person is always evolving. Watch out for our upcoming releases that continue to make Each Person better! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our support team at support@eachperson.com.