Tops Day Nurseries Teams Up with Each Person

Empowering a Valued Workforce

Tops Day Nurseries Teams Up with Each Person

May 2024

Tops Day Nurseries is committed to building a better quality of life in and out of the workplace with their recent addition of Each Person, showing their forward-thinking mindset in developing an uplifting modern work culture. 

Each Person is excited to share their latest collaboration with Tops Days Nurseries. The unwavering support of their people manager, Zoe Short, has prompted a huge positive shift for her people in a way which extends beyond the workplace. This amazing project has seen over 880 people receive the rewards and recognition they deserve. 

Tops Day Nurseries was founded in 1990 and since then has seen remarkable growth across the south of England. As of today, this sustainable and nurturing organisation has over 30 nurseries which see over 4,000 children between the ages of 0-5 years. Their attention to detail is commendable with each location being specially designed to enable a child to focus on learning with sustainable, rich and vibrant environments, custom-built to encourage children's safe exploration, learning and discovery.

Recognising The Endless Efforts of Your People

Each Person is enabling forward-thinking businesses to recognise the efforts of their team through their unique nominations platform, whether it’s employee of the month, star of the week or even a bespoke event! Organisations can also ensure they never miss an important date for employees with their automated milestones feature, which instantly rewards and recognises work anniversaries and birthdays whilst featuring the option to create your own automated milestones. 

Zoe Short, People Manager at Tops Day Nurseries’ is thrilled to introduce this feature within the workplace, sharing "We're so excited to partner with Each Person to bring a new level of recognition and support to our colleagues. This collaboration aligns perfectly with our values of sustainability and employee wellbeing. I'm eager to see how these innovative features will enhance our work environment and help our colleagues feel truly valued for their ongoing hard work and dedication”.

Becki Hill, Customer Success Manager at Each Person, is proud to share, “I thoroughly enjoyed working alongside Zoe to develop their bespoke platform which will completely elevate the way they reward and recognise their team. I can see that our automated milestones feature, along with our nomination feature, will foster a close-knit working environment where everyone feels valued for their endless contributions to the nurseries. Everyone deserves to have their efforts recognised, and I am pleased to help Zoe and her people make this a fun and unique experience”

Assisting Your People Beyond the Workplace

Each Person is not only accredited for its innovative features which guarantee to improve your people’s lives in the workplace, but there are also a range of salary sacrifices available to help your team access the support or material items they require to make life a little easier. Salary Sacrifices are an essential way to promote accessibility for all, and Each Person’s Cycle 2 Work scheme along with their Let’s Connect scheme will enable Tops Days Nurseries people to purchase bikes, household appliances and the latest technology without the burden of managing finances. 

Matt Norbury, CEO at Each Person, loves to see these features being implemented within businesses and added, “Zoe is truly an inspiration to managers everywhere, it is great to see her enthusiasm for bettering the lives of others. Through her work with us, we can tell she has a clear vision to assist her team in and out of the workplace. I am certain the salary sacrifice schemes will release some of the burden and financial strain of big purchases for their homes. With their commitment to sustainability, I think the addition of the Cycle 2 Work Scheme is a perfect fit for their people and is a clear reflection of their business values.”


About Each Person

Are you interested in finding ways to improve your team's financial and mental wellbeing while also appreciating your amazing team? Look no further than Each Person, where we offer an unparalleled rewards and recognition platform. 

Our program is one-of-a-kind and includes the following benefits: 

With Each Person, your employees can develop healthy financial habits to help with unexpected costs. Furthermore, we help employers tackle climate change through our partnership with Carbon Footprint. We even increase your reward budget by 10% every time! By choosing Each Person, you can save your employees money and value and easily recognise them while also positively impacting the planet.

For additional information, please contact Ella Wyatt, Head of Brand, at or Shane Sullivan, Head of Partnerships & Sales, at  

To find out more, visit us at today!

About Tops Days Nurseries

Since its humble beginnings in 1990, with one small nursery in Parkstone that cared for just 4 children; they've grown into a vibrant family of nurseries across the south, with more than 4,000 children between 0-5 years old receiving exceptional care and education.

Their commitment to their mission of nurturing the next generation and positively impacting the lives of countless young minds remains stronger than ever. Their attention to detail is commendable with each location being specially designed to enable a child to focus on learning with sustainable, rich and vibrant environments, custom-built to encourage children's safe exploration, learning and discovery.

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