
Human Resource Glossary for HR Terms
This comprehensive glossary of human resource (HR) terms defines words and phrases frequently used by HR professionals. We would like to encourage you to share and make use of this library. If you have any suggestions of terms we have missed, please contact us & we will include them in our next update.

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Epoints are a unique currency created by Each Person to make purchases on their shop and reward employees.

The Personal Approach to Employee Rewards

Each Person introduces a unique currency on their platform called Epoints, designed for easy and enjoyable employee rewards. With Epoints, employees can earn points as rewards for achievements, such as hitting performance targets, celebrating work anniversaries, or simply receiving recognition from colleagues. These points can be redeemed in Each Person’s online shop, which offers a wide range of popular products, gift cards and exclusive discounts on leading brands from all over the world.

Engage Your Team with Epoints

Epoints are the ultimate way to engage your team, not only does this mean you are giving your team unmatched potential to celebrate their hard work. But as an employer, you are ensuring that every individual can feel satisfied by offering a diverse range of rewards.  

Epoints can be awarded to complete teams or individuals at any time, from anywhere in the world. Managers will be allocated a team pot with a total number of Epoints awarded by you, the employer, which can then be given to people within the teams for their outstanding work. Colleagues can also get involved by attaching their own personal Epoints in an Ecard to say thank you or well done. Plus, for every automated milestone or employee of the month, a specific number of Epoints can also be awarded, ensuring your people always have the opportunity to feel rewarded.  

Spending with Epoints

Epoints allow employees to customise their rewards experience, aligning with their individual interests and preferences. The platform features a variety of categories, from electronics and lifestyle items to an impressive selection of gift cards and days out, giving employees the freedom to select items they find meaningful at a time they would like them. Additionally, the platform offers access to exclusive discounts, helping employees stretch their rewards even further.  

Epoints can also be spent on our donate a tree feature. For as little as 1 Epoint, your team can support reforestation, your business’s sustainability goals and your vision of a greener future.  

Shopping with epoints

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If you wish to improve your business start by focusing on your most important asset; your employees.

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